We went with our good friends Creg and Jennifer to Garner State Park this past week, along with 17 other people from our church. We had so much fun. The girls were a blast to watch as they played together. They did so wonderful with all the transitioning we did in the 5 days that we were there. We didn't go to bed until about 1:30am every morning, so they totally got off of their schedules, but they had so much fun that they didn't even care!! We went to the dance every night after dinner. I'd never been to Garner so I was thinking that it was going to be inside and that we wouldn't be able to take the babies. I was wrong. It's all outside and there are children everywhere. It was a little hot... okay... REALLY HOT!! I ended up having to take Sailor's clothes off while we danced because it was so HOT!! We went to the river on Monday to put the girls in. All I have to say is BBUURRRRRR!!! It's amazing how little children can play in water that feels like 47 degreese!! They got in no problem...me......I only got in up to my knees!! Maybe next year!! I've made a couple of slide shows so you can see how much fun we had. You have to check out the last one.... We bought these t-shirts for the girls on the last night at the dance... TOO CUTE!!
That is too funny! She looks so big! lol I can't decide if she looks better in burnt orange or camo.