Thursday, June 28, 2007
I just wanted to give a shout out to the WORLD.... My daughter slept 13 HOURS LAST NIGHT!!! Cameron put her to bed in her crib last night about 10 and she didn't wake up until 11 THIS MORNING!!!! YYEEEAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! I got a full night of sleep!!!! PRAISE THE LORD!!!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Well Sailor turned 7 months on Monday so we decided that it was probably time to start putting her in her crib!! She's been sleeping with me for the past month,(since she out grew her bassinet!!) and it has been the BEST month EVER!!! I love being able to feel her closeness and look at her little face while she dreams..... However, Cameron and I don't want a 4-year-old in our bed either.
I tried to put her in it while she was awake, but she didn't like that so much. So I had to put her in after she fell asleep. She woke up once for a bottle but then went right back in. She ended up sleeping until 11AM!!
Here's some pictures of when I went in to get her the next morning:
I tried to put her in it while she was awake, but she didn't like that so much. So I had to put her in after she fell asleep. She woke up once for a bottle but then went right back in. She ended up sleeping until 11AM!!
Here's some pictures of when I went in to get her the next morning:
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Playing With Popsicles
We bought some sugar-free popsicles for Sailor to try. I gave her a cherry one first, thinking that she would like that flavor really well. I put it up to her mouth and she clamped it SHUT!! It took her a minute but all of the sudden she opened her mouth and went for it! She got herself a WHOLE MOUTH FULL OF POPSICLE!!!! You would have thought we gave her a LEMON!! She made the most sour face possible. I think it was cold on her teeth... poor baby!! I thought she would stick out her tounge... because she's been doing that for the last week... and she could lick it... I don't think she's quite ready for them yet!!
Monday, June 25, 2007
Seven Spectacular Months
Sailor Bug is seven months old today!! Time just keeps FLYING by. She's such a big girl. She has started crawling and is quickly on the move when she sees something she wants! She's a completely different baby from just a couple of weeks ago. It's such a privledge to be able to witness the little brain inside of her develope more and more. God is so awesome!! It's thrilling to see his creation at work!! When you're a mommy it's funny what amuses you.... like Sailor has started making a "clicking" sound with her tounge... it is the cutest thing. I look at her and wonder where the time has gone. I look at her and my heart just melts because she's the most beautiful thing I've ever laid my eyes on. I look at her and wonder what I did to deserve something so special.
Bed Head Baby
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Kaylee Rae Is Born Today!!!!
Congratulations to Bubba and Chandra Mixon on the birth of their baby girl Kaylee Rae. She was born at 8:35 this morning. She was 7 lbs. 1 oz and 18 in long. She was born a little prematurely but is said to be doing well. She will have to stay in the hospital for 7-10 days but will be healthy enough to go home after that. Way to go Payton!! You'll be a great BIG SIS!! I'll post a picture as soon as I get one.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
My Parents Got Married..... Again!!!
My parents were married for 25 years on June 19, 2007!! They took a trip to Las Vegas for a week and decided to renew their vows.... PREFORMED BY ELVIS!!! Congratulations to both of you Mom and Dad!! I'm so proud of you guys. Thank you for showing me what love truly looks like!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Bringin' Sexy Back To Garner State Park

We went with our good friends Creg and Jennifer to Garner State Park this past week, along with 17 other people from our church. We had so much fun. The girls were a blast to watch as they played together. They did so wonderful with all the transitioning we did in the 5 days that we were there. We didn't go to bed until about 1:30am every morning, so they totally got off of their schedules, but they had so much fun that they didn't even care!! We went to the dance every night after dinner. I'd never been to Garner so I was thinking that it was going to be inside and that we wouldn't be able to take the babies. I was wrong. It's all outside and there are children everywhere. It was a little hot... okay... REALLY HOT!! I ended up having to take Sailor's clothes off while we danced because it was so HOT!! We went to the river on Monday to put the girls in. All I have to say is BBUURRRRRR!!! It's amazing how little children can play in water that feels like 47 degreese!! They got in no only got in up to my knees!! Maybe next year!! I've made a couple of slide shows so you can see how much fun we had. You have to check out the last one.... We bought these t-shirts for the girls on the last night at the dance... TOO CUTE!!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Daddy's Lil' Longhorn
Last Father's Day I was pregnant with Sailor. At that point we hadn't found out what the sex of the baby was going to be. So I gave Cameron a whole bunch of baby longhorns stuff. Well, last week I took Sailor to have her pictures made in the outfit I gave him last year..... let me just tell you, this was the HARDEST secret to keep EVER!!! The pictures were so awesome, I was soooo excited to give them to him. Well, of course he loved them. He was so surprised. We were actually on vaction for Father's Day so he got to really relax and enjoy himself!!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Sailor's 6 Month Pictures
My mom and I took Sailor this past friday to get her 6 month pictures done... SHE DID AMAZING!! She couldn't have been in a better mood!! It was so much fun!!
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Another Intruder
Saturday, June 2, 2007
A Quackin' Good Time
We bought this bath tub for Sailor yesterday. Tonight was her first time to take a bath in it and she LOVED it!! The little bill on the front of the duck quacks when you squeez it. It was so exciting to see her splashing around and having so much fun.... what a difference a bath tub can make!!
**Bling Bling Baby**
We went to get Sailor's ears peirced on tuesday at her 6 month checkup. They numb the children's ears there so that's why we decided to do it. She fell asleep while we were waiting for the doctor to come in..... and PRAISE THE LORD she SLEPT through the WHOLE thing!!!! She didn't wake up until we were eating at a resturant after her appointment!! They are TOO CUTE!!
Friday, June 1, 2007
Memorial Day Weekend '07
Well this was our first Memorial Day weekend with our little Sailor Bug. We crammed a WHOLE BUNCH of stuff into this weekend!! We were invited to Lake Livingston with the Mixon Family. Boy did we have a blast!! It was so nice and peaceful. Really relaxing. We really enjoyed watching the girls play. We have so many pictures that we want to share with you so I'm putting alot of slide shows in this post. These pics are of Haven and Sailor. Haven is one the verge of walking and Sailor is on the verge of crawling! It's so much fun getting them together.
Saturday afternoon on our way to the grocery store we stopped by my parents lake house to surprise them with a visit from the girls. They only live 20 minutes away from Creg and Jen's place...
Saturday night Creg took some pictures of Jen and Haven, and Sailor and I when the sun was setting. They turned out so cute....
Sunday afternoon it stopped raining long enough to get the girls in the pool. Jennifer has a pool for Haven that blows up with a big flower on top to keep the sun off of the babies... The water was FREEZING!!!
Then it was off to Grammie and Pop's house. We left Livingston sunday evening and arrived in Matagorda about 8pm. It was really nice that Sailor got to visit both of her grandparents in the same weekend!! She got in the pool on monday (and I'm sorry to say that I did too.... because.... BBUUURRRRRR!!!) We had a really nice time though.
Cameron's parents had a pool put in their backyard last year. On the first step of the pool they put two fountains that squirt water into the air. Well, Kelso discovered the fountain... and... well....
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While we were in Matagorda we were able to go visit our good friends Mitch and Kelli Hall. They moved down there a year ago and we DEARLY miss them!! They had a beautiful baby girl in Feburary. Her name is Laurel Ann and just too sweet for words!! I was hoping to get some more pictures of the girls together but we were so caught up in talking, trying to CRAM EVERYTHING in one visit, and we didn't leave until 2 am... but here's what we got....
Saturday afternoon on our way to the grocery store we stopped by my parents lake house to surprise them with a visit from the girls. They only live 20 minutes away from Creg and Jen's place...
Saturday night Creg took some pictures of Jen and Haven, and Sailor and I when the sun was setting. They turned out so cute....
Sunday afternoon it stopped raining long enough to get the girls in the pool. Jennifer has a pool for Haven that blows up with a big flower on top to keep the sun off of the babies... The water was FREEZING!!!
Then it was off to Grammie and Pop's house. We left Livingston sunday evening and arrived in Matagorda about 8pm. It was really nice that Sailor got to visit both of her grandparents in the same weekend!! She got in the pool on monday (and I'm sorry to say that I did too.... because.... BBUUURRRRRR!!!) We had a really nice time though.
Cameron's parents had a pool put in their backyard last year. On the first step of the pool they put two fountains that squirt water into the air. Well, Kelso discovered the fountain... and... well....
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While we were in Matagorda we were able to go visit our good friends Mitch and Kelli Hall. They moved down there a year ago and we DEARLY miss them!! They had a beautiful baby girl in Feburary. Her name is Laurel Ann and just too sweet for words!! I was hoping to get some more pictures of the girls together but we were so caught up in talking, trying to CRAM EVERYTHING in one visit, and we didn't leave until 2 am... but here's what we got....
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