Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Play Station

For about the last two weeks Sailor has been getting really fussy when I put her down and walk away.... I don't think it's because she's getting attached to me.... I think she's just getting bored with her surroundings!! She is ALMOST able to crawl but just hasn't reached that goal yet. I can tell she's wanting to be more mobile but her wittle body just isn't ready. So Cameron and I went to Target after church Sunday to buy Sailor a little play station to sit in. I put her in one in the church nursery earlier that morning and she loved it!! We wanted to get her one hoping that it would keep her occupied and it would be a change of scenery!! Well my poor husband had to put it together.... he hates putting things together!! But he did an AwEsOmE job!!

Unfortunately Sailor caught the virus on Sunday evening that has infiltrated Porter, Texas!! Cameron and I were sick last week from Saturday to Thursday. We thought we were in the clear as far as Sailor not getting it since it was Sunday!! We were wrong :( I was giving Sailor her last bottle before bed while her daddy was putting together her play station. I lifted her up to burp her and the next thing I knew my precious little angel was vomiting everywhere. I have to tell you that Cameron and I have been very blessed when it comes to Sailor's health!! She hasn't been sick really at all since she's been born. There is absolutely nothing that makes you feel more helpless than when your baby is sick and there is nothing you can do about it!

Fortunately, after she threw up she was totally fine! She didn't even act like she was sick any time during the day!! That in itself was such a blessing because Cameron and I were miserable!! So Cameron went to Walgreens to get her some pedialyte, and while he was doing that I put Sailor in her play station for the first time. SHE LOVED IT!! She was so happy. It was so much fun watching her explore all the different toys. She's really starting to grab at things now... if it catches her interest, it has to be in her hand!!

When Cameron came home we gave her a couple of ounces of pedialyte. She didn't end up keeping that down either so her pediatrician told us to put her to bed. The Lord held her in his hands through it all!! She slept all night on an empty tummy!!

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