Thursday, November 29, 2007
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Happy Birthday Sailor
Sailor Bug is 1 year old. Can you believe it? She is a toddler now :) This child is so amazing. She is full of giggles, grins, and soooo much personality!! I am just in awe when I watch her. It's so funny talking to her because she talks back.... in a totally different language ;) My mom just watched her talking on a toy cell phone.... it seemed that she was saying something pretty important.... then she paused as if to let the person on the other end of the line have a chance to respond..... then she started saying something else. It was hilarious! She's so smart!! It's cool to hear her repeat things too. She says "Good Girl", "Ho Ho Ho", "Uh-Oh", and "Bad"... for when we yell at the! I also love that she gives us kisses! She's the coolest little kid EVER!! She's not walking yet, but she's VERY close. She can absolutely walk by herself, she is just too afraid. But she took like 5 steps toward my dad on Friday night! She is soooo close!! Cameron is out of town and he won't be back until next weekend and he keeps saying that by the time he come home and walks through the front door that she will walk over to him... but I'm not so sure!! She's just too scared to let go. She practically RUNS when she's holding on to something though! We go to the doctor tomorrow and find out if she weighs any more.... and hopefully she will be able to get off formula!! That would be GREAT for us, because MAN, it is EXPENSIVE!! Next we need to get her potty trained, so we can cut out the expense of having to buy diapers!! LOL. She weighed 17lbs.10oz. when I took her to the doctor last Wednesday!! Hopefully she will weigh more tomorrow. The poor kid wants to be in a forward facing carseat SSOOOOOOO bad :( I have put together a slide show for her birthday. We spent it at my parents house. I also have a video of us singing happy birthday. She doesn't seem really happy in the cake pictures because we had just woken her up from a nap, she was still tired!!
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Saturday, November 24, 2007
No Thanksgiving For Us!!
Most of you probably know by now that Sailor Bug got sick with a stomach virus this past Monday night. She finally started feeling better on Thanksgiving day. Thank you so much to everyone who prayed for our little buggy!! She made a complete 180 degree change from Wednesday morning to Wednesday night and I know it's from all your prayers!! Unfortunately she passed it on to her mommy :( I was in bed ALL DAY Thursday, and poor Cameron and Sailor had to stay home and do nothing. No turkey, no dressing, no giblet gravy, and most importantly... NO PUMPKIN PIE!!! Fortunately for me.... Christmas is just around the corner!! So I will have another chance to make it to YUMMY turkey dinner!! The saddest part for me was that it was Sailor's first Thanksgiving and we missed it!! So I think next year we will celebrate her 1st THANKSGIVING!!
Monday, November 12, 2007
Two-Steppin' Baby

I just wanted to let everyone know that Sailor took 2 steps today!!! We were trying to get her to walk back and forth between us and then she did it!! They might have been on accident, and they were very quick and wobbly.... she gets very scared if she's not holding on to anything.... but none-the-less.... she walked 2 steps without holding on to anything!!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Birthday Buggy

Well, Sailor Bug had her 1st birthday party yesterday!! How incredible!! I know I always say this and so does everyone else with children, but MAN, TIME GOES BY SO FAST!! Now that I'm writing this... I'm thinking that I can't believe it has already passed!! It was so much fun though!! We had a ladybug theme, and boy was Sailor cute!! I love her so much. It's amazing how babies change into big kid toddlers! It's like it happens overnight. Cameron and I just look at her now, her sweet, goofy personality and her reactions to things and her facial expressions are just so grown-up. She doesn't even look like a baby anymore! She didn't do very well at Halloween. We had to take her home early because she freaked out. I was really nervous to see how she was going to do during her birthday party... but she was AWESOME!! I couldn't have asked for a better party!! She did great!! Thank you to everyone who came to celebrate this special event in our life. Praise God for such a big group of family and friends that we have!! I think for her real birthday (11-25-07) we are going to Nana snd Grandpa's (Christina's parents) house!! Our camera started acting up about a week before her party.... and my sweet husband surprised me with a new one the night before her party!! Thanks babe!! It really came in handy for the best part of the party.... THE CAKE!! She DOVE IN, and then proceeded to paint herself with the icing! I love you Sailor Bug. Praise God for you!! I hope you enjoy the pictures!!
11 Months..... aaahhhhhhh!!
Well our little Sailor Bug is 11 1/2 months old now! I can’t believe it!! She is just so much fun though, but boy does she have a little temper. If you take something away from her or not give her enough attention, she will GLADLY protest!! She is not walking yet, but she does boogie around the couch now!! She can walk around anything, as long as she is holding on to something. She plays pat-a-cake on her own now, and she can say “Uh-Oh” she just learned that one on Thursday. She has said na-na-na… for Nana. My mom will take anything right now!! Lol. She is very talkative and has lots to say! It’s all in her own language though!! She is such a lovey!! I love her. God has blessed us way more than we even deserve!! She still has 6 teeth, and she is still in 3-6 month clothes. I’m sorry to say that she even has some 0-3 month clothes she can still wear :( but she is getting out of almost all of her 0-3 month onesies!! WooHoo!! Can you believe it?!?! I’m hoping that she ATLEAST weighs 18lbs…. Though I’m not sure!! Our goal was to have her in a forward facing car seat by a year, but I’m sad to say that it doesn’t look like that is going to happen… sorry Sailor Bug!! She IS growing though. Here are some pics of us at the pumpkin patch, some of her rockin’ a Mohawk in the tub, and the few we got from Halloween…. She sort of freaked out on Halloween so we had to take her home early :( I was so sad. We were at our church’s Family Fall Fun Festival. I was a cat :)
Okay, so it is just plain ridiculous that it has been this long since I have blogged anything!! I'm sorry to EVERYONE for not posting for such a lloooong time!! I have been SUPER busy!! I have started a new home business called Thirty~One. It's a faith-based company that sells personalized gifts. The products are so much fun and I've been really busy trying to get it off the ground. Since I'm staying home with Sailor full time now I wanted a way to bring in some extra money..... and I found Thirty~One!!! Please feel free to check it out. These are great items for Christmas gifts, so let me know if you would like to purchase anything, have a home show/catalog party, or view the business plan. My website is
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